Прошу переделать индикатор пирсон.
Кидая на график индикатор, не должен выводиться график индикатора, а должна появляться цифра как в примере, округленная до десятых.
Соответственно размер цвет и расположение цифры можно менять в настройках.
файл не загружается, привожу код:
#property copyright "© mladen, 2018"
#property link "mladenfx@gmail.com"
#property description "Pearson coeficcient"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 7
#property indicator_plots 4
#property indicator_label4 "Pearson coeficcient"
#property indicator_type4 DRAW_COLOR_LINE
#property indicator_color4 clrYellow,clrCrimson,clrForestGreen
#property indicator_width4 2
//#property indicator_label1 "Level up"
//#property indicator_type1 DRAW_LINE
//#property indicator_color1 clrForestGreen
//#property indicator_style1 STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_label2 "Middle level"
#property indicator_type2 DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2 clrDarkGray
#property indicator_style2 STYLE_DOT
//#property indicator_label3 "Level down"
//#property indicator_type3 DRAW_LINE
//#property indicator_color3 clrCrimson
//#property indicator_style3 STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_level1 -0.5
#property indicator_level2 -0.7
//--- input parameters
enum enColorMode
col_onZero, // Change color on middle line cross
col_onOuter // Change color on outer levels cross
input string inpSymbol = "USDMXN"; // Second symbol
input int inpPeriod = 50; // Period
input int inpLag = 0; // Lag of the second symbol
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE inpPrice = PRICE_CLOSE; // Price
input enColorMode inpColorMode = col_onOuter; // Change color mode
//--- indicator buffers
double val[],valc[],flup[],flmi[],fldn[],diff[],difl[];
string _forSymbol;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
//--- indicator short name assignment
_forSymbol = (inpSymbol=="") ? _Symbol : inpSymbol;
IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME,"Pearson "+_Symbol+" to "+_forSymbol+" coeficcient ("+(string)inpPeriod+","+(string)inpLag+")");
//| Custom indicator de-initialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,const int prev_calculated,const datetime &time[],
const double &open[],
const double &high[],
const double &low[],
const double &close[],
const long &tick_volume[],
const long &volume[],
const int &spread[])
if(Bars(_Symbol,_Period)<rates_total) return(prev_calculated);
double pers = MathSqrt(inpPeriod);
MqlRates _ratesf[1];
MqlRates _ratesl[1];
for(int i=(int)MathMax(prev_calculated-1,0); i<rates_total && !_StopFlag; i++)
int _ratesfCopied = CopyRates(_Symbol ,0,time[i ],1,_ratesf);
int _rateslCopied = (i>=inpLag) ? CopyRates(_forSymbol,0,time[i-inpLag],1,_ratesl) : CopyRates(_forSymbol,0,time[i],1,_ratesl);
diff[i] = (_ratesfCopied == 1) ? getPrice(inpPrice,_ratesf) : 0;
difl[i] = (_rateslCopied == 1) ? getPrice(inpPrice,_ratesl) : 0;
double dev1 = iDeviation(diff,inpPeriod,i);
double dev2 = iDeviation(difl,inpPeriod,i);
val[i] = (dev1!=0 && dev2!=0) ? iCovariance(diff,difl,inpPeriod,i)/(dev1*dev2) : 0;
double pe = 0.6745*(1.0-val[i]*val[i])/pers;
flup[i] = 6.0*pe;
fldn[i] = -6.0*pe;
flmi[i] = 0;
switch (inpColorMode)
case col_onOuter : valc[i] = (val[i]>flup[i]) ? 2 : (val[i]<fldn[i]) ? 1 : 0; break;
case col_onZero : valc[i] = (val[i]>flmi[i]) ? 2 : (val[i]<flmi[i]) ? 1 : (i>0) ? valc[i-1]: 0; break;
//| Custom functions |
double iDeviation(double& array[], int size, int i, bool isSample = false)
double avg = array[i]; for (int k=1; k<size && (i-k)>=0; k++) avg += array[i-k]; avg /= (double)size;
double sum = 0;
for (int k=0; k<size&& (i-k)>=0; k++) sum += (array[i-k]-avg)*(array[i-k]-avg);
if (isSample)
else return(MathSqrt(sum/(double)(size)));
double iCovariance(double& indep[], double& depen[], int size, int i, bool isSample = false)
double avgi = indep[i]; for (int k=1; k<size && (i-k)>=0; k++) avgi += indep[i-k]; avgi /= size;
double avgd = depen[i]; for (int k=1; k<size && (i-k)>=0; k++) avgd += depen[i-k]; avgd /= size;
double sum = 0;
for (int k=0; k<size && (i-k)>=0; k++) sum += (indep[i-k]-avgi)*(depen[i-k]-avgd);
if (isSample)
else return(sum/(size));
double getPrice(ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE tprice, MqlRates& _rates[])
case PRICE_CLOSE: return(_rates[0].close);
case PRICE_OPEN: return(_rates[0].open);
case PRICE_HIGH: return(_rates[0].high);
case PRICE_LOW: return(_rates[0].low);
case PRICE_MEDIAN: return((_rates[0].high+_rates[0].low)/2.0);
case PRICE_TYPICAL: return((_rates[0].high+_rates[0].low+_rates[0].close)/3.0);
case PRICE_WEIGHTED: return((_rates[0].high+_rates[0].low+_rates[0].close+_rates[0].close)/4.0);
Комментарии (4)
1 VDev Сообщений: 4 - Алексей
35 AM2 Сообщений: 16443 - Андрей
35 AM2 Сообщений: 16443 - Андрей
5 max9000 Автор Сообщений: 29 - Max
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